How to cancel Invoices and unwanted services Print

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Why do I have to cancel a service if I no longer require it?

Whether you hold one, a few or very many domain names and web hosting services you will find that from time to time you do not want to renew a particular domain or service. This is perfectly natural and our policy is never to charge you for a service that you do not require. However, you do have to tell us which services you no longer require otherwise we will send reminders and raise invoices based on the assumption that you still require the service. We make cancellation of services as easy as possible - just a few clicks. There is a slight difference between a domain name cancellation and a web hosting cancellation request, so we will detail both procedures below.

How do I cancel a Domain Name?

Cancelling the renewal reminders for a domain name is easy and takes just a few clicks.
  1. Login to the Client Management Portal
  2. Select Domains -> My Domains
  3. Find the appropriate domain in the list
  4. Select Manage Domain -> Renew Notify
  5. Click "Disable Renew Notify"
  6. This domain name will now expire at the end of its term without and reminders or invoices being issued. If you subsequently change your mind, you can simply "Enable Renew Notify" and you will receive reminders as normal.

How do I cancel a Web Hosting account (or any other service)?

Cancelling the renewal reminders for web hosting or any other services is easy and takes just a few clicks.
  1. Login to the Client Management Portal
  2. Select Services -> My Services
  3. Find the appropriate service in the list
  4. Select View Service -> Request Cancellation
  5. Select whether the cancellation is Immediate or at End of Billing Period
  6. If there are any domain names associated with this service confirm if you want to cancel them also
  7. Click "Request Cancellation"
  8. This service will now be cancelled as requested and no future renewal reminders or invoices will be issued.
  9. We never Auto Renew a service. You still have to pay the invoice for us to renew it. So think of this as an enablement or cancellation of the renewal notices. There is no refund available for any unused period.

I have been invoiced for a service I no longer require!

Hey! Don't worry! These are busy times and it is easy to forget to cancel a service.
  1. Login to the Client Management Portal
  2. Cancel your domain names and/or unwanted web hosting (or other) services.
  3. We will automatically cancel any invoices existing for these services within a few days. Simply ignore any reminders for these services whilst our system disables the services and cancels the invoices.
If you are still worried about the Invoice simply log a Billing support ticket and advise you have cancelled the service and request for the invoice to be cancelled - don't forget to give the invoice number :)

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